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Mint a Presale NFT Treasury ​Ticket using your IRA tokens to ​secure your place in the profit-​sharing of the newly launched ​IRA NFT Treasury!

By investing in the IRA NFT ​Treasury, you’ll benefit from ​lifelong passive income. This ​treasury is structured to ​strengthen the NestEgg and ​provide monthly dividends to ​every NFT holder, while also ​reducing risk through ​diversification into various ​yield-generating assets.

3D illustration NFT security
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NFT Ticket Illustration








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A total of 100 NFTs are available, consisting of 75 silver ​NFTs and 25 gold NFTs. To get started, mint a presale ticket ​NFT using 105,000 IRA tokens. This ticket allows you to ​purchase either a silver or gold NFT. The silver NFTs are ​priced at $1,000, while the gold NFTs cost $3,000. Both ​require a presale ticket NFT for purchase. You can secure a ​presale ticket without any fixed redemption period, giving ​you the flexibility to save up for a gold or silver NFT without ​immediate financial pressure. This approach aims to ​promote financial freedom for everyone, not just early ​project adopters.

Owning a gold or silver NFT provides instant access to ​passive income through the IRA NFT Treasury’s investments ​in a diverse range of yield-generating assets. This diversified ​approach reduces risk and ensures stable, predictable ​income.

Silver NFT holders are guaranteed a minimum payout of $25 ​per month, while gold NFT holders receive at least $75 per ​month. This equates to a 30% APR, which is projected to ​increase over time. Alternatively, holders will receive either ​the guaranteed minimum payout or 50% of the collected ​yield, whichever is higher. Payments to NFT holders are ​prioritized, with any remaining yield divided 60/40 between ​acquiring additional assets and funding the NestEgg.

The APR starts at a minimum of 30% and is expected to rise ​to around 50% or 60% in the first year. These rates are ​updated monthly, and as the treasury grows and yields ​increase, both rewards and APR are anticipated to grow.

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3D FAQ Icon
  • How can I buy a gold or silver NFT after minting a presale ​ticket?

After minting a presale NFT and making sure you have enough USDC ​to buy a gold or silver NFT, join the official DeFi-IRA Telegram group. ​Once you’re in the group, reach out to an admin, such as Auwayne ​or AG_Crypto. They will guide you through the process of making an ​over-the-counter purchase for any available gold or silver NFTs.

*Please note that there are only 100 gold and silver NFTs in total, ​with just 25 of these being gold NFTs. The remaining are silver NFTs. ​After minting a presale NFT, you can take your time to save up for ​a gold or silver NFT, but keep in mind that these are sold on a first-​come, first-served basis. Once all 25 gold NFTs are sold, only silver ​NFTs will be available for purchase.

  • How much money can I make by owning an NFT?

The annual percentage rate (APR) starts at a minimum of 30%, but ​we expect it could be closer to 50% or 60% in the first year. We ​update these figures monthly. As the treasury grows and generates ​more yield, both the rewards and the APR are expected to increase.

  • What assets will the IRA NFT be invested in?

We will invest in a diversified portfolio that encompasses low, ​medium, and high-risk assets. Our aim is to maintain 90% liquidity, ​allowing us to capitalize on market opportunities through strategies ​such as concentrated liquidity positions, liquidity pool farming, and ​investments in platforms like Flex, TGC, Elephant Money, Paca, ​Stableswap, Beefy Finance, and Dex Finance. This diversified ​approach is designed to provide a safe and dependable source of ​monthly income.

  • Will NFT holders have a say in the investments?

We plan to create a special Telegram group for NFT holders, where ​you’ll need to hold an NFT in your wallet to join (otherwise, a bot ​will remove you). While we will be fully transparent about all ​investments and yield generation, NFT holders will have limited ​input initially. In the future, we may consider forming a DAO or ​electing a board to allow for more democratic decision-making. At ​first, all decisions will be manually managed by the IRA team.

  • How will I receive my payments, and when?

A snapshot of all NFT holders’ addresses will be taken on the first ​day of each month. Monthly dividend payments will then be sent ​out between the 10th and 15th of each month to all addresses ​holding an NFT at the time of the snapshot. Payments will primarily ​be made in ETH, but occasionally, IRA tokens may be purchased off ​the chart and distributed to NFT holders as part of the monthly ​payout.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach ​out to us before making a purchase.